Strategic Marketing: Winning the Battle for Markets and Share
Successfully Leading Change in Healthcare Organizations
Two Programs & Executive Luncheon
1.5 Face-to-Face Education Credits will be applied for each program
Friday, October 19, 2018
Michigan State Univ. College of Human Medicine, Secchia Center
15 Michigan St. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
9:00 AM Registration and networking
10:00 - 11:30 AM Panel Discussion - “Strategic Marketing: Winning the Battle for Markets and Share” (panelists and moderator TBD)
Moderator: Chad Tuttle, MBA, NHA, President Continuing Care, Spectrum Health
- Ilene Cantor, V.P. Marketing & Communications, Sparrow Health System
- Jeff Munford, Director, Business Development, Mary Free Bed
- Matt Fors, Strategic Marketing & Research, Holland Hospital
This program has been developed and is presented locally by the Great Lakes Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives and is approved for 1.5 Face-to-Face Education Credits
12:00 - 1:00 PM Executive Luncheon
Luncheon Topic: Pigs Without Lipstick
Luncheon Speakers: Mary Reagan Shapton, Founder, Owner Reagan Marketing + Design; Cindy Majick, Jack-Of-All-Trades Reagan Marketing + Design

Mary Reagan Shapton Cindy Majick
The best marketing never puts lipstick on the pig. Getting the house in order before you communicate requires understanding the systemic impact on people and operations. Providers and caregivers are the reason health care exists, and getting back to basics is more powerful than any campaign.
1:30 - 3:00 PM Successfully Leading Change in Healthcare Organizations,”
Moderator: Jo Neil Conley, Associate, Faculty, Saginaw Valley State University
- Joe Bonello, Assistant V.P. Clinical Services, Holland Hospital
- Kurt A. Knoth, Vice President, System Supply Chain, Spectrum Health
Patrick Sustrich, MS Chief Integration Officer, Hayes Green Beach Memorial Hospital
3:00 PM Adjournment
This program has been developed and is presented locally by the Great Lakes Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives and is approved for 1.5 Face-to-Face Education Credits
- $115 GLACHE Member (includes education sessions and lunch)
- $145 Non-GLACHE Member (includes education sessions and lunch)
- $30 Student (includes education sessions and lunch)
One Education Session Only
- $50 GLACHE Member (includes education session only)
- $60 Non-GLACHE Member (includes education session only)
Lunch Session Only
- $35 GLACHE Member (includes lunch session only)
- $45 Non-GLACHE (includes lunch session only)
Cancellation Policy:
There is no refund for cancellations within 14 days of the program.
For questions and inquiries please contact Hyung Kim at Hyung.Kim@hc.msu.edu