Great Lakes Chapter of the
American College of Healthcare Executives
Behavioral Healthcare:
Approaches to Increase Value for the Organization and Meet Community Needs
Education and Networking Event Friday October 18th, 2019
Western Michigan University Fetzer Center
2251 Business Ct, Kalamazoo, MI
9:00 AM Registration and networking
10:00 AM Education Session Panel Discussion:
Moderator: Bradley Casemore, CEO, Southwest Michigan Behavioral Health
11:30 AM Networking Break and transition into Lunch
12:00 PM Lunch and Key Note Address
Speaker: Elizabeth Hertel, Senior Chief Deputy Director, Chief for Administration, Michigan Dept. of Health & Human Services
1:30 PM Adjourn
Cancellation Policy:
There is no refund for cancellations within 14 days of the program.
For questions and inquiries please contact:
Brad Casemore,
Contact Information
PO Box 68013Grand Rapids, MI 49516