Great Lakes Chapter of the
American College of Healthcare Executives
Great Lakes Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives
2021 Board Member Election Nominating Form
Directors serving on the Great Lakes Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives actively participate in committees and promote the objectives of the chapter including sponsorship, membership growth and advancement, educational programming, and communications.
The election is scheduled to occur August 2021
(Self-nominations will be accepted)
The nomination you are submitting will be for the position so identified on the GLACHE Board for term beginning on January 1, 2022 and ending December 31, 2023.
Candidates must be a member of the GLACHE chapter for one year prior to the start of their term, in addition to having served, or is serving on any ACHE chapter committee.
Please email the completed form, single paragraph bio, and photo to Jasmine Ahuja, MHA (GLACHE Secretary) at by the end of day Thursday, June 3, 2021.
Download Form for Submission Here.
Best regards, Great Lakes Chapter of ACHE
Contact Information
PO Box 68013Grand Rapids, MI 49516