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Great Lakes Chapter of the

American College of Healthcare Executives

Great Lakes Chapter of the

American College of Healthcare Executives

The Value of Developing and Implementing Alternative Care Models

  • 06/17/2022
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Virtual Meeting


Registration is closed

GLACHE Virtual Event for 1.5 ACHE Face-to-Face Education Credits

The Value of Developing and Implementing Alternative Care Models

Developing new delivery models that embrace alternative payment models goes beyond simply supplying patients with information at time of checkout or discharge. It includes a commitment to patient-centered care, providing clear and useful information to patients, helping patients establish goals and plans to live a healthier life, creating a team of clinicians and administrative staff with clearly understood roles and responsibilities, and using office systems to support follow up and tracking of patients. Managing programs aimed at chronic illness and changing behavior are challenging and take time for everyone involved—providers, patients, and caregivers. Yet, it is often patients themselves who are called on to manage the broad range of factors that contribute to their health.  Common sense suggests—and health care experts agree—that people with chronic care needs should receive support to help them manage their health as effectively as possible. Helping patients to make good choices and maintain healthy behaviors requires a collaborative relationship between health system leaders, community-based programs, clinical teams and patients.  Learning how to incorporate these new models into a health system or practice can support patients in building the skills and confidence they need to lead healthier lives.

When: 6/17/2022 11:30am – 1pm
Where: Virtual Meeting


Chad Tuttle, SVP , Spectrum Health - Bio


Dr. Natasha Bagdasarian, Chief Medical Executive, State of Michigan - Bio

Laura Appel, Executive VP Government Relations and Public Policy, MHA - Bio

Dr. Pankaj Jandwani, Regional VP of Medical Affairs and Chief Innovation Officer, MyMichigan  - Bio


$30 GLACHE Member 

$40 Non-Member

$15 Student

This webinar is eligible for 1.5 ACHE face-to-face credits. You must attend the entire live 90-minute webinar to get face-to-face credits.

Listening to the recording does not count towards face-to-face credits, but you can earn qualified credits.

Registering for this program is a two-step process. You must complete both steps to get face-to-face credits.

Step 1)  Register and Pay Here

Step 2) You must register on the ACHE platform to complete your registration in order to have access to the login credentials for the June program. There is no additional cost associated with this second step.  A link to the ACHE Registration site will be included in your registration confirmation email. 

Registration closes on June 15, at 11:59 p.m. EST and there are no refunds after this date. The webinar is limited to 100 participants per ACHE guidelines. 

Best regards,
Great Lakes Chapter of ACHE


Contact Information

PO Box 68013
Grand Rapids, MI 49516

P: 616.456.8013
F: 888.776.7457


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